As it's so hot at the moment, I have decided to have a sale on various plants in the garden.
Herbs are normally £1.75 each, now reduced to £1.50 ea or £1.25 for 3 or more! See full list of herbs available below, but bear in mind they are going quickly
Lots of other plants are reduced too, Shrubs and herbaceous from as little as 50p These plants are possibly looking a bit shabby, but once planted they will recover and be fine for next year. I have also reduced my last few Roses from supplier Pococks, down to £12 from £15, simply to clear the last few.
Inside the shop i have also made all the Johnsons seeds 50% off, most of these will have to wait til next Spring to plant, but they will keep ok.
Here is the list of herbs currently in stock:
Basil, Thai
Borage, Blue
Calendula (Pot Marigold)
Comfrey Bocking 14
Coriander, Vietnamese
Fennel Green/ Bronze
Lavender Hidcote
Lemon Balm
Lemon Verbena
Mint - Apple/ Garden/ Black Peppermint/ English Lamb/ Moroccan
Oregano Country Cream
Parsley French/ Curled
Rosemary Trailing
Sage Green/ Purple
Sorrel Broad Leaved
Thyme - Jekkas/ Silver Queen/ Common/ Doone Valley